Our research shows the current 3% investment from the philanthropic sector is not enough to build, strengthen, and sustain a robust ecosystem for change. We seek to not only share the knowledge and resources offered to the South, but also enhance the impact of organizations on the frontlines and create meaningful access to practitioners who can help fund their work.

Our Approach

To carry out GSP’s Vision, we have prioritized the following goals:

  • Increase participation in GSP network by 20%, with special focus on foundations and donors-based organizations in the South.
  • Increase visibility, awareness, and connection to organizations leading change work in the region through strategic communications and convening.
  • Transform and increase philanthropic giving and practices to power building black-led, women-led, queer and trans work.
  • Strengthen and increase critical infrastructure in the South by increasing the amount of funds dedicated to movement infrastructure.
  • Increase intentional collaboration, alignment, and coordination of investments between Southern and National funders to accelerate equity.
  • Increase capacity building opportunities within the sector to advance intersectional grantmaking and grantmaking with a racial equity lens to support the transformation of Southern communities by addressing racial, gender, and economic equity.

COVID-19 is not the equalizer, but rather amplifies inequities that disproportionately affect the same marginalized populations.
– Tamieka Mosley and Nathaniel Smith, The South Has Something to Say: COVID-19 and Our Chance for Transformation

The South receives less than 3% of philanthropic dollars nation-wide.

We created GSP to stop the pattern of underinvestment in the South by organizing philanthropic entities and resources that are needed to build the capacity of community-based organizations and networks leading structural change work in the region. Over the last nine years, we have experienced growth in the number of regional and national foundations that are prioritizing investments in the South…

Join Us

Help us make change in the South. Our work ensures the best resources are offered to the most vulnerable and deserving communities.