As the South Grows, So Grows the Nation: Funding in the South Today.

We partnered with organizations in the South to create an interactive map. Over the last nine years, we have experienced growth in the number of regional and national foundations that are prioritizing investments in the South. Our grantee map visualizes funding flows across the southern United States as they relate to structural change work in marginalized communities.* Click on a state to see a summary of grant making dollars and the percentage that goes towards benefitting people of color through structural change work. Our map also offers a quick look at where dollars are making the most impact. Lighter greens indicate that more funding is going toward grant making for structural change in the state.

* Democracy, human rights, and community organizing specifically for each individual constituent population that makes up POC, but not the catchall code “people of color.”

Click on a state to learn more.

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Based on NCRP analysis of Candid data.

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